SommR - time in Automotive

By Sebastian Rietzscher and Simon B. Gasse

Talk - Thursday, 30 May

When writing software in for the automotive field using domain specific communications protocols is inevitable. Those protocols are usually implemented by stack suppliers as closed source products. We will start our with the daemon which is center piece of the communication and find out why we need things like cloneable connections. Apps and the protocol they use to communicate with the daemon and subsequntily with other apps in the network is our next stop over. Here we disucss why we kept things simple, and peek into a very special serde dataformat. Before we reach our final destination – testing is another site we visit on our journey. By extending / overwriting our beloved #[test] macro we made testing more accessible and fun. Before we end we also check where we left the path to happiness, detoured and sometimes got lost which in our case boils down to versioning and observerability. We almost reached our final destination and all our experiences are collected in a journal, so writing documnation is the theme of the last leg.


Sebastian Rietzscher

2008 - 2016 Software Engineer Elektorbit (embedded automotive Software)
2016 - 2019 Function Owner Connected Gateway
2019 - now Senior Software Engineer Cariad (embedded Rust and Rust in automotive)

Simon B. Gasse

Rustacean working in the embedded space. Studied electrical engineering and computer science, background in deep learning in the automotive- and healthcare sectors.

Morten Mey

Got my masters in computer science at the University of Lübeck, then moved to Munich where I have been developing software for automotive ECUs for ESR Labs (now part of Accenture).